Our products are thoughtfully conceived, rigorously tested and carefully prepared for affordable production. We always start with functionality - it doesn’t matter how good something looks if it doesn’t work - and build aesthetics and user experience on that foundation.
The products we design are all very different, spanning diverse industries, scale and budgets. Whether it’s CAD heavy, aesthetics-forward or something entirely new, we always bring our powerful curiosity, perfectionist process and sense of delight.
Our packaging design serves two purposes: protect whatever is inside, and make people want to buy it. The first part involves structural engineering, drop tests, and material exploration. The second requires trend studies, user testing and story building to clearly communicate the brand message.
Packaging is nearly always discarded after purchase, and it’s our job to make sure this can be done as sustainably as possible. We focus on single stream recycling, up-cycling, and, if multi materials are unavoidable, an intuitive disassembly process.
We love combining our physical and digital design skills! Most electronics need interfaces of some sort, whether it’s an attendant app, a control screen or both. We combine well-tested UX journeys with sleek visuals that make products a pleasure to use.
We also design independent digital products with no physical elements, such as cross-platform applications, AR/VR experiences and websites.
Our brands are built on a strong foundation of market research, trend patterns and user testing. We use an iterative process to create powerful identities that tell their stories at a glance.
Beyond logo and font design, our brands use graphics to communicate clear messages. We work with our clients to develop concise value propositions and a cohesive visual language that says precisely what it needs to.